Tag: single use flowmeter

Flowmax 242i single use flowmeter

Summary of unique properties of Flowmax® 242i

Unique properties Flowmax® 242i:

  1. Calibration:
  • Only Single Use flow meter with built-in calibration data in chip
  • Guaranteed calibration accuracy
  • Guaranteed process accuracy, reproducing the calibration accuracy
  • Documentable calibration (crucial for pharma)
  1. Performance:
  • Unmatched reproducibility
  • Significantly better accuracy than other inline ultrasonic flowmeters
  • Significantly better repeatability than others in the market
  • Suitable for fast, precise dosing applications
  1. Specific applications:
  • Ideal for pharmaceutical applications where documentation is crucial
  • Suitable for very small volumes (1 ml vaccine in glass vial)
  • Competitively priced compared to other inline ultrasonic flowmeters

This makes the Flowmax® 242i a wise choice for critical single-use applications in the pharmaceutical industry, especially where accuracy, reproducibility and documentation are essential.

Additional context:

  • Flowmax® is a brand name of MIB GmbH
  • Uses ultrasonic measurement transit-time principle
  • Flowmeister BV is Single Use Branch Manager for MIB GmbH
  • The Flowmax® 242i is their Single Use flow meter and available in a variety of flowranges
  • Flowmax® 242i can be customized to your wishes

Flowmax 242i single use flowmeter

Nederlandstalige samenvatting eigenschappen Flowmax® 242i

Flowmax® 242i heeft een aantal onderscheidende kenmerken die het apparaat uniek maken in de markt.
Laat ons de belangrijkste punten samenvatten:

Unieke eigenschappen Flowmax® 242i:

  1. Kalibratie:
  • Enige Single Use flowmeter met ingebouwde kalibratiegegevens in chip
  • Gegarandeerde kalibratienauwkeurigheid
  • Gegarandeerde procesnauwkeurigheid
  • Documenteerbare kalibratie (interessant voor farma)
  1. Prestaties:
  • Onovertroffen reproduceerbaarheid
  • Significant betere nauwkeurigheid dan beschikbare alternatieven
  • Significant betere repeatability dan beschikbare alternatieven
  • Geschikt voor snelle, precieze doseertoepassingen
  1. Specifieke toepassingen:
  • Ideaal voor pharma-toepassingen waar documentatie cruciaal is
  • Geschikt voor zeer kleine volumes (1 ml vaccin in glazen vial)
  • Competitief geprijsd t.o.v. beschikbare alternatieven

Dit maakt de Flowmax® 242i tot een waardevolle keuze voor kritische single-use toepassingen in de farmaceutische industrie, vooral waar nauwkeurigheid, reproduceerbaarheid en documentatie essentieel zijn.

True Plug & Play

Het feit dat de Single Use meetbuis zonder specifieke operator-training te vervangen is, met de volledige zekerheid dat de kalibratie-data geactualiseerd worden, maakt de flowmeter daadwerkelijk Plug & Play.
Op dit aspect wordt verder ingegaan in een volgend artikel.
U kunt hieronder uw eventuele vragen of opmerkingen terugkoppelen.

Flowmax single use flowmeter

Flowmeter Compatible with Leviflow

Understanding the Benefits of Flowmax® 242i: A Seamless Ultrasonic Flowmeter alternative for Leviflow devices

When it comes to modern bioprocessing and fluid management, ensuring accurate flow measurement is critical for maintaining process control and efficiency.
Flowmax® 242i, an advanced ultrasonic single-use flowmeter, offers significant advantages in replacing Leviflow devices.
Come and explore how Flowmax® 242i enhances process integration. Read about its unique features that set it apart in bioprocess applications, including TFF processes.

Key Features of Flowmax® 242i

1. Compatibility with Leviflow

In order to be a flowmeter compatible with Leviflow, Flowmax® 242i offers highly configurable outputs.
These ensure that the existing process-control loops remain intact. This feature is essential for maintaining optimal performance in various fluid-handling scenarios, where precision and control are vital.
Whether it’s monitoring critical process parameters or supporting feedback loops, Flowmax® 242i offers a robust interface to keep your process under control.

2. Flexible Physical Integration

One standout feature of the Flowmax® 242i is its versatile physical integration. Unlike many flowmeters that require complex configurations such as Z-shaped offsets in the flow path, Flowmax® 242i can be integrated into any straight-line section of your system.
This eliminates potential bottlenecks and flow disruptions, streamlining the setup process. Additionally, there is no need for straight lengths of tubing before or after the flowmeter.
Firstly, this allows for more compact and flexible installation options in space-constrained environments, Secondly it is strongly reducing hold-up volume!

3. High Pressure Rating

Flowmax® 242i is designed to handle demanding operating conditions. Its robust housing with typical inforcement-ribs, offers pressure resistance up to 7 bar.
TFF, or Tangential flow filtration, often involves high-pressure environments, and the Flowmax® 242i’s robustness ensures reliable performance.
Fact: we realize this without the need for additional metal enforcement cradles.
This simplifies the installation and reduces hardware costs, installation-risks and maintenance requirements.

4. Superior Accuracy with a Calibrated Measuring Tube

Precision is at the core of Flowmax® 242i’s design. The calibrated measuring tube operates with a higher level of accuracy compared to Leviflow flowmeters.
This is particularly important in bioprocessing applications where even minor discrepancies can lead to significant effects on product quality and yield.

5. Biocompatible Wetted Materials

The wetted materials in the Flowmax® 242i flowmeter are made of LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene), which conforms to USP Class VI standards. This makes it highly suitable for applications requiring strict biocompatibility, such as in pharmaceutical production and other life sciences.
LDPE’s resistance to a wide range of chemicals and its compliance with USP Class VI, ensures that Flowmax® 242i can be used confidently in life-science environments.

Additional Advantages of Flowmax® 242i

  • True Plug&Play: there’s only one connector to be used, which every operator can succesfully fit.
    The electronics automatically do the rest
  • Calibration-data on board: The precision-calibrated tube ensures a full reproducibility of the calibration-accuracy into your end-customers’ process.
  • Long lifetime availability: Even when SUS are not in operation for years, this is a comforting aspect.
    The ultrasonic measurement principle inherently has the benefit that the device maintains consistent accuracy over time, eliminating the need for recalibration.
  • Multi-parameter instrument: read more here.


The Flowmax® 242i ultrasonic flowmeter is compatible with Leviflow.
It offers a range of advantages, from easy physical integration to superior pressure resistance and accuracy. Its configurable outputs, ensure that process-control loops remain stable when replacing a Leviflow device.
The robust design makes it ideal for demanding processes like TFF. With materials that conform to stringent biocompatibility standards, Flowmax® 242i represents a flexible, high-performance solution for modern bioprocessing needs.

If you’re looking for an efficient, reliable, and easy-to-integrate flowmeter, Flowmax® 242i should be at the top of your list!

Flowmax® is a brand-name of MIB GmbH

Single Use flowmeter at CPHI

Did we meet at CPHI?
We brought the Flowmax® 242i Single USe flowmeter to the European CPHI’s in:

  • Frankfurt
  • Barcelona
  • Milan

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CPHI Frankfurt flowmeter Flowmax® 242i generation 3.0


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