• Single Use flowmeasurement

    Flowmax® ultrasonic flowmeter
  • Calibrated

    Data stored in measuring tube
  • ISO certified

    GMP qualified processes
  • Modular

    Configurable options, features and complete sets

Welcome to Flowmeister (by MIB GmbH)

We’re pleased to introduce ourselves and hope to meet you in real life soon!

You are welcome to have a look on our webpages to get an impression of our focus-area.
Flowmeister introduces MIB’s Flowmax® 241i ultrasonic flowmeters in aseptic and other applications.
Experience the new standard to establish flowmeasurement ánd flowcontrol.
Our customers are pleased with the high level of trust which our solution brings to their process.

What’s new

Single Use event

Meet us live!

Did we recently meet at ACHEMA?
Or in Amsterdam RAI @BPI Europe?
Or maybe @PharmaTechnica in Wiesbaden or the @GMP conference in Heidelberg?

Our next exhibition will be Single Use Event 2024 in Leiden. Hope to see you there, September 10th at Corpus, Leiden.

We’ll also be visiting next CPHI-exhibition in Milan (October 2024).

FLow measurement & control

More than 80% of our customers uses Flowmax® to measure if the actual flowrate is within the specified limits.
Flowmeister offers full and pressure-independent flow-control.
No more worries about your process, trust Flowmeister flowcontrol. Available in Single Use design.

Team Flowmeister

Team flowmeister

Let’s ride!
#TeamFlowmeister has their own branded sportsgear.
Join us and experience the comfort and quality of Balans®.

Single Use Branchemanagement of
direct personal contact
phone +31 6 5310 6888
  • Monday - Saturday:

    08:30 - 21:30

  • Sunday:

                                 mail / whatsapp

  • Mail:
